Key Takeaways from “Who will cry when you die?”


Robin Sharma’s book “The monk who sold his Ferrari” holds a very significant role in my life. I had read it when I was in 12th standard. After reading, I wrote about it in my brother’s English assignment. I talked about it with everyone I met. Everyone felt quite intrigued with the title. Some of them picked it to read and appreciated a lot.
Recently, I got the chance to read his another book “Who will cry when you die?”, which has some life-lessons from “The Monk who sold his Ferrari.” This book has short chapters, and each chapter gives you something to learn.
In this post, I am sharing key takeaways from this book.

1. Make one stranger happy in a day. 

It does not take much to make anyone happy. You can do some little things for them which do not even require much effort. Sometimes you can just smile at a stranger. It can make someone’s day.

2. Practice tough love. Love yourself but stay disciplined.

It is very good to love yourself, but practice tough love. Do not be very easy with yourself. This is the thing which is very difficult for us. We have to stay disciplined. In this time of quarantine, it is extremely necessary. Develop a routine and stick to it.

3. Connect with nature.

I have read somewhere that if after waking up, you look at plants, then it will make you feel calm. I have tried this, and it was such a serene feeling. Right now, we all are in the boundaries of our homes. So, it is really challenging to stay productive at all times. Whenever you feel little anxious, come out of your room. Go to terrace or balcony. Look at plants. Take care of them. Watch sunsets. This connection with nature will definitely make you calm.

4. Don’t just hear. Listen.

These days we just hear someone to reply. Stop doing that. You need to be a good listener. Try to listen what someone is saying. Understand them. It is a very important thing to practice.

5. Get up early.

We all have heard since childhood that getting up early is how much beneficial for us. But still very few people actually wakes up early. Even I am trying to wake up early for months. But during this quarantine, I have become little lazy. I hope I would overcome this in few days.

There is also a book named “The 5 AM Club” by Robin Sharma. You must check it out.

6. Talk to yourself.

Yes. It helps a lot because no one can understand you more than yourself. Before sleeping, talk to yourself about the day. While taking some important decision, debate with yourself.

7. Take care of your body.

Your body is a temple. You must take care of it. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind and a pleasant life. Take nutritious diet and do some exercise as well.

8. Learn to be silent.

Silence is more powerful than words. So, try to practice being silent. Once in a month, stay silent for few hours. It will keep you focused on your priorities and will make you calm.

9. List your problems.

As said by Anne Frank, “Paper is more patient than humans.” So list down your problems on a paper and see how it helps you in identifying that few problems are just in your mind.

10. Always carry a book with you.

Do I need to say more about it? Always carry a book and try to read regularly as there are lots of benefits of reading.

That’s it for today. I hope it would be helpful for you. Have you read any book by Robin Sharma? What are your views about them? Share in comments.

I have written this post for #AtoZChallenge and my theme is “Love for the books”


You can follow me on twitter @richa_525

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24 Comments Add yours

  1. Ninu Nair says:

    Oh, even I read ‘The monk who sold his Ferrari’ in standard 12!! It was great to read this post because I run out of patience when it comes to spiritual and self help books…need to work on that front…and also on entering the 5 am club!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Richa says:

      Self-help books really need patience. I am also working to enter on 5 am club.
      Thank you so much for reading..


  2. Those are some great pointers! Making a stranger smile by a random act of kindness is a sweet thing to do. I love talking to myself. People may think I’ve gone crazy! It’s a challenge to be disciplined but it’s well worth the effort. Nature can truly calm us down. I have realized that during this lockdown. Books can make any day better! The lockdown has totally wrecked my sleep cycle. I have to bring it back on track!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Richa says:

      Thank you so much for reading this.
      You shouldn’t think of others because it’s totally great to talk to yourself.
      Yes books can do wonders for us. I can relate that lockdown has destroyed our sleeping cycle. I am also currently experiencing the same problem.
      I am trying few suggestions from internet to fix this issue.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, yes, yes! Lately, I’ve been having early dinners and I’ve even created a sleep playlist to help me sleep. It’s sort of working! Binge-watching can be an enemy to that plan though. 😅 What suggestions are you trying out? Care to share?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Richa says:

        I am also trying early dinner. And I am setting a fixed time for sleeping and waking up. Plus as you said, binge watching, I too have this habit of scrolling through phone. So, to overcome this and sleep properly, I have tried to stay away from phone, one hour before my fixed time to sleep. It really helps.


  3. soniadogra says:

    Thank you for sharing these beautiful lessons.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Richa says:

      Thank you for going through them. 😊


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